Vodafone looking for SA devs to compete in appStar contest


Vodafone is on the search for developers with ideas for innovative apps in Africa and Asia to take part in its annual appStar competition, with regional to be held in six countries followed by an international competition happening in 2015 in India.

Developers from South Africa, Ghana, India, Kenya and Tanzania are all invited to register for regional competitions in their respective countries. South African participants stand a chance to be one of two winners to walk away with R20 ooo and to go through to the international competition in India, where they could win a trip to Mobile World Congress 2015 in Barcelona.

This competition is open for developers on the following platforms:
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Java
  • Windows Phone
  • Blackberry
Apps will be judged according to local relevance, innovation, quality and business viability. The winning South African apps will be featured on the Vodacom App Store.

There are only three days left before entries close on 30th November – you can submit your entry on the Vodafone appStar website.

