A team of engineers at Samsung Electronics took on an independent project at the company's Creativity Lab also called C-Lab in which they discovered a way to detect strokes by monitoring brainwaves.
The resulting headset is equipped with sensors that transfer data to algorithms that allow you to observe your brainwaves on your smartphone, tablet or upright computer to make sure you are not at risk.The idea behind the Early Detection Sensor & Algorithm Package (EDSAP) is to take note of irregularities earlier than what was previously feasible and take proper preventative steps.
It may appear to resemble those wearable gizmos that count your steps, but it's actually even more efficient than hospital stroke detecting equipment, which takes up to 15 minutes to analyze brainwaves.
Samsung says its product is not only much faster than hospital equipment but that its sensors are able to pick up more detail thanks to an ultra-conductive material the team discovered that resembles rubber.
The new material also makes it possible to wear the sensors in barrettes, eyeglasses or any piece of headgear instead of the rather medical headset that serves as the creators' prototype.
The EDSAP is being further developed, and project lead Se-hoon Lim says the team has plans to apply it to heart muscle activity tracking, but they did not say when it could become available on the commercial market.
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