DevOps: The smart person's guide
This comprehensive guide covers DevOps, an increasingly popular organizational structure for delivering rapid software deployments in the enterprise.
Executive summary
- What is it? DevOps is an ethos centered around integration and communication between software developers and IT professionals who manage production operations.
- Why does it matter? DevOps allows organizations to more rapidly deliver software and security updates internally and to customers.
- Who does this affect? Because implementing DevOps requires a corporate culture change, it affects the entire company. The benefits have far outweighed the difficulty of a culture shift in companies that have adopted DevOps.
- When is this happening? DevOps first gained traction in 2009. Large organizations such as Amazon, Walmart, and Adobe use DevOps.
- How do I implement it? DevOps is not a switch that can simply be turned on; it requires careful and gradual implementation so as to not disrupt the functioning of your organization.
- DevOps decoded: What it is and why you should care (ZDNet)
- 10 best practices for DevOps (TechRepublic)
- How to tell if your DevOps is delivering business value (ZDNet)
- Job description: DevOps engineer (Tech Pro Research)
A survey of 4,600 IT professionals by Puppet in June 2016 found that IT departments with a robust DevOps workflow deploy software 200 times more frequently than low-performing IT departments. In addition, they have 24 times faster recovery times, and three times lower rates of change failure, while spending 50% less time overall addressing security issues, and 22% less time on unplanned work.
While the concept of continuous delivery—and by extension, DevOps—may be counterintuitive to some, the end goal of frequent software deployments is to make the process so routine as to be a non-event, as opposed to a disruptive major rollout.
Additional resources:
- Gap between DevOps-savvy and non-savvy companies is huge, survey finds (ZDNet)
- The road to digital bliss is paved with service thinking and DevOps (ZDNet)
- Enterprise cloud performs best with DevOps, software-defined networks (ZDNet)
- DevOps isn't a matter of speed, it's all about software quality (TechRepublic)
Who does DevOps affect?
Any organization with an in-house IT department can benefit from adopting a DevOps communication culture. For the consumer side of the equation, DevOps allows for a significantly reduced time to market, allowing organizations to deliver new features and security patches to customers more quickly and efficiently.DevOps can also increase job satisfaction among IT professionals. The initiative allows for a much-needed conversation change from "How can we reduce cost?" to "How can we increase speed?," which is more likely to be a successful long-term strategy.
The aforementioned Puppet survey also notes that employees in high-performing DevOps teams were 2.2 times more likely to "recommend their organization as a great place to work."
Additional resources:
- DevOps double case study: CloudBees and Perfecto Mobile (Tech Pro Research)
- Why leading DevOps may get you a promotion (ZDNet)
- Bring on the DevOps, say IT support managers (ZDNet)
- Why every DevOps team needs a contrarian thinker (ZDNet)
When is DevOps happening?
DevOps as an idea is an outgrowth of Agile Infrastructure, effectively extrapolated to the entire enterprise rather than just the IT department. The concept gained a lot of traction with the first devopsdays conference in Belgium in 2009.While traditional technology companies like Amazon, Adobe, and Netflix have been early adopters of the strategy, DevOps also enjoys popularity in the retail space with Target, Walmart, and Nordstrom utilizing the communication model.
Additional resources:
- DevOps: Chef offers enterprise-wide analytics with Automate tool (ZDNet)
- Why the DevOps faithful keep pulling away from their competitors (TechRepublic)
- IT managers: we're hurting for more cloud and DevOps skills (ZDNet)
- CA Technologies updates DevOps tools to help boost system performance (ZDNet)
- Kubernetes 1.4: One DevOps tool to rule all the containers (ZDNet)
How do I implement DevOps?
Because DevOps is, at its core, a cultural and procedural adjustment from the way things have been done in the past, it is not possible to implement DevOps overnight. The steps needed to implement DevOps is really dependent on the existing IT infrastructure and corporate structure of a given organization—groups already using cloud infrastructure and agile development practices are several steps ahead of groups not using those systems.Gene Kim, the founder of TripWire, and author of various books on development, advocates for an incremental approach for adopting DevOps (PDF link). While this is a long-term change that will likely take 1-2 years for established organizations, results from the pilot candidate can be seen in a matter of weeks.
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